The Negative Impacts of Chemical Spills and Pipeline Breaches

One of the most dangerous and costly disasters a company or community can face is a chemical spill or a leak from a local pipeline. The threat of a devastating incident is why there are so many issues surrounding the transportation of chemicals and the development of pipelines.

When hazardous oils and chemicals breach their confined containers, the results can negatively impact public safety and wreak havoc on area businesses, both up- and downstream. New Paragraph

Spills and Leaks Threaten Public and Environmental Safety

When incidents occur, they often create toxic and/or flammable fumes in addition to the dangers resulting from the exposed or leeching liquids. Fumes from spills or leaks can easily ignite and spread, injuring/killing community members, damaging property and negatively impacting the environment for years – even decades.

Environmental Damages

Many pipelines run along the shores of the nation’s waterways. Unfortunately, these areas are extremely susceptible to the environmental damage that results from chemical spills and pipeline breaches. In addition to threatening humans and wildlife, there is severe risk the incident may permanently damage a community’s water source, whether from groundwater or aquifers.

Economic Challenges

Spills and leaks do not just cost the owners of the tanker or pipeline money. They can also present astronomical reparation costs. Spills and leaks frequently require infrastructure services to be shut down during cleanup and site decontamination. Closing thoroughfares, waterways, and marinas – along with the incurred property damages – may cost a community as much as a billion dollars. These closures also include several indirect costs and safety challenges such as:

• Impeding first responders

• Preventing patients from scheduled care appointments

• Preventing workers from meeting their employment obligations

• Creating massive backlogs for downstream activities

Protecting People, Places and Profits with Emergency Response

TAS Environmental Services helps communities and businesses that are subject to pipeline leaks and chemical spills. TAS’ comprehensive Emergency Response services include:

• Chemical spills, pipeline incidents and natural disasters

• Hazardous and non-hazardous waste management

• Biohazard emergencies

• Site decontamination and remediation

• Other DOT & EPA regulated emergencies

TAS Environmental Services rapidly gets incidents under control while adhering to all compliance requirements. In other words, TAS minimizes operational disruption caused by unexpected events so communities and businesses can quickly return to business as usual.

TAS Efficiently and Effectively Manages Unexpected Events

TAS Environmental Services is prepared to jump into action at a moment’s notice. Team TAS is available 24/7 and is a permitted Oil Spill Response Organization (OSRO) and has been fully vetted by the United States Coast Guard via the permitting and audit processes